Rahul Kushwaha


I am a Staff Software Engineer at Reddit working in the Caching & Storage Infra Org. My current work involves providing Redis as an infrastructure using Kubernetes.

Previously, I worked with Meta/Facebook on their low-dependency metadata storage system called DelosTable. This system provides a table-like(Relational) abstraction to our customers requiring a highly available & linearizable store.

Before that I was working at OfferUp handling the Identity & User Domain.

For more details of my work: Resume



I am also writing my own Replicated Database as a hobby. It is still in its infancy but has a Multi-Paxos implementation for Log with dynamic reconfiguration. It provides table abstraction using RocksDb, and uses Apache Arrow for query execution & data handling. https://github.com/RahulKushwaha/replicated_counter.

Innodb Experiments

I have been experimenting with Innodb to understand its internals, mostly around Concurrency-Control and Logging. I have made the following contributions to its fork called Embedded Innodb

My Contributions

DistSys Reading Group

I am an active member of the DistSys Reading Group. We read and discuss one distributed systems paper every week. Come & join us: Link

My Presentations:

  1. Polaris: Enabling Transaction Priority in Optimistic Concurrency Control
  2. Morty: Scaling Concurrency Control with Re-Execution
  3. [Coming Soon] Understanding the Performance Implications of the Design Principles in Storage-Disaggregated Databases

Database Book Club

I actively participate, and help run a book club where we discuss all-things-databases. Currently reading: Transaction Processing: Concepts and Techniques, by Jim Gray & Andreas Reuter

Come & join us. Discord

You can find me here:

  1. Twitter/X
  2. Github
  3. LinkedIn